Monday, December 12, 2011

What was president Truman's immediate responds to the outbreak of war in Korea?

What was president Truman's immediate responds to the outbreak of war in Korea? How did Truman handle America's entry into the war? Why did the United Nations become involved in the Korean conflict?|||he was pro-intervention from the start of the invasion of the south by north korea....he met with the secy of state and cabled macarthur in japan to get troops ready to send to south korea...truman wanted the UN to sanction his actions and because russia was secretly ot not so secretly supporting north korea they did not appear at the UN to block the vote of the security council to support south having the UN support intervention it became a coalition of countries supporting south korea rather than just the USA.....since no war was ever declared it became known as a "police action" by the USA...and no cease fire has ever been declared...just a halt in hostilities for the past 6 decades....technically the conflict has not ended

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