Monday, December 12, 2011

Child harm and abduction - is it always someone close to the immediate family that is to blame?

With reports that Shannon Grandparents had here does it reinforce the fact that it is often immediate family that are guilty?|||The majority of the time it is but not always. My brother was kid napped when he was 3 years old and was never found again. Nor does anyone know who took him.|||I've heard it wasn't them, it was a bloke.|||We want what we see. We do not want what we do not see. It makes sense that someone close to the child would be the one motivated to kidnap them.|||not always but a child is more likely to be abducted by a family member or close friend of the family than a stranger.|||Not always

Holly Wells, Jessica Chapman, Millie Dowler, Sarah Payne....

I just picked this up from the bbc news page

"West Yorkshire Police confirmed the girl had been found concealed in the base of a divan bed in a house in Lidgate Gardens in Batley Carr"

A 39 year old man has been arrested. It does not state if he is related or not.|||her grandparents ... you've read a different report to me

and yes crimes against children is more often than not generated within the family, closer than most people even care to realise|||Statistics show it is generally someone close to the family or a family member, but not always - what about Elizabeth Smart. Generally though. That doesn't stop people from acting like everyone that smiles at their kid is some kind of a child rapist.|||maybe not

according to new reports a 3 year old man has been arrested|||I dont know the statistics. Im glad shes ok.|||I believe in most causes that is true. When the child feels comfortable with a person they won't kick and scream when they take them away.|||Seems to be a loner with a learning disability now, I can't work it out.|||It's a fact that someone the child knows is often guilty of abuse or abduction, but I don't think it's necessarily always family. The police do often look up family or people close to the family first when a crime is committed.|||Mrs GC? a 3 year old man .......... I knew it was the local kindergarten that was involved!|||Not all of the time but it is true that a child is more than likely to be abducted by someone close to the family.

Take that little girl madeline who is still missing, my immediate thoughts there was that it was the parents and I know that eventually i will be proved right|||It's around 90% of the cases, family or friend, sad, but true.|||that is many times the case.

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