Monday, December 12, 2011

Is it possible for anything in our immediate world to be Infinite?

When I mean immediate world I mean everything else except the spiritual and symbolic stuff.

It's crazy but I'm sure there's an answer for this. The law of matter is that it cannot be created but it cannot be destroyed. But I've heard that the popular belief is that space is infinite and where there is space then there must be matter right? I'm now under the impression that space is ever expanding. Therefore matter is infinite also... and created? jigga wa?

I am prepared to be met by a Stephen Hawking-ish mind blowing answer.|||I'm going to go with Time. While I think the concept of time will change based on many of the Hawking-esque writings that are out there, I think Time in whatever incarnation it inhabits could be considered infinite...|||Infinity is a mathematical concept. There is nothing in our universe that is infinite, including the universe itself.|||The short answer is "not as we presently understand "space" to be the observable limits of our universe". That is, current observations suggest that space is finite and something (physically)finite cannot contain anything (physically) infinite. This perception could change with new observations, but none such have yet been made and scientists prefer to stick with the simpler belief|||Time maybe, but if there's a beginning of time, there ought to be an end of time. The universe is 'expanding' as you may be taught, but it may also expand and then shrink (big crunch, opposite to big bang). No one really know the answer. It is mostly theory based. On the other hand. If we consider that our 'universe' is expanding, then there ought to be an 'edge' what is beyond the edge?|||There are three possible topologies for the universe's space-time manifold: closed, flat and open. The density of matter/energy controls it, and at present there does not appear to be a high enough density for a closed structure of space-time. Closed is the only finite structure, so an infinite universe appears possible.

This is of course not the same as the visible universe, which is limited by light speed and the age of the universe.

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